Do You Really Need a Wedding Hashtag?
I know you probably think I’m nuts. After all, social media is my job. I should totally be pro-wedding hashtag…
But I’m not sure that I am. I know that it’s totally fun to come up with them, especially if you have an awesome last name that can be used in a pun. But do people ACTUALLY use them?
Think about it, if guests from your wedding are posting on Instagram, chances are they will be tagging you in their photos anyway (or you will be scrolling and see the photos and you can just save them in the app). I feel like adding a custom hashtag is kind of complicated. People may not even remember what your hashtag is (even though I’m sure you’ll have a sign on the table with your guest book — another thing I am so not into but I’ll save that for another post…) In my experience, and maybe it just so happens to be my family and friends, very few people use the wedding hashtag. And let’s be honest, your photographer will probably capture much better photos. I don’t think you’ll be printing any off of Instagram.
I think if you REALLY want photos taken from your guests’ perspective, you should leave a few disposable cameras on your gift table and tell guests to please use them to take photos throughout the night. That way after the wedding you can get them all developed and see what shenanigans were captured (and you can always get extra copies made too and include them in your thank you notes).
Are you pro-wedding hashtag or against it? Let me know!
Also peeps, listen, I’m opinionated when it comes to these things FOR ME, but you do you. If you want fifty hashtags, you do you. Also if you do that, please email me, I would love to feature you and your fifty hashtags and all of your photos.